The adjustments that AI will demand of our professional and educational institutions first require reflection on what it means to be human.
Courageous Christian Woman Stands Up to Them by Nasir Saeed
An interlocked mix of faith, politics, and identity lies at the root of America’s unique bond with the Jewish people, argues Walter Russell Mead.
The Most Promising Weapons Are All Non-Kinetic.
By Loren Thompson, Forbes: "The current pattern of conflict in Ukraine suggests that the age of drone warfare has arrived."
By William P. Bednarz on Feb 05, 2023 02:11 pm
D.C. Schindler's "The Politics of the Real" is a brilliant addition to the postliberal movement. By understanding liberalism as a distortion of the Christian order, we can recognize it as a sustained war upon reality. And we can understand a true postliberalism as nothing more or less than the New Evangelization, the effort of converting entire ...
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