Israel Could Be Key to 2020 Middle East Geopolitics By Frank Musmar, January 2, 2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Israel’s geographical position means it must stay agile and manage complex relations with its Muslim neighbors through quiet collaboration and smart use of its technological and economic advantages. Over the past two decades, Israel has discovered offshore gas, begun extensive seawater desalination, and dramatically expanded its navy’s platforms and missions. Ten years ago, Israel depended on Egypt’s natural gas; nowadays, Israel exports natural gas to Egypt and Jordan. Continue to full article -> Egypt unruffled by EastMed pipeline project
Now that Cyprus, Greece and Israel have agreed to build a subsea pipeline to supply Europe with natural gas, officials are downplaying its potential impact on Egypt's ambition to become a regional energy hub.
Gregory Copley, author, Sovereignty in the 21st Century and the Crisis for Identity, Cultures, Nation-States , and Civilizations; and president of the International Strategic Studies Association; in re: Gregory was an election observer in Uzbekistan on 22 December: in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, an autonomous republic within Uzbekistan. It occupies the whole northwestern end of Uzbekistan, is on the Aral Sea. Photo of a boat that used to sail on the Aral and now has long been dry and rusting far out on the shore. However, people are starting to fish in some of the nearby lakes.
The Economist labelled Uzbekistan as the country that made the most improvement in 2019. First, protecting people; next, stabilizing the seabed: seeding it with various plants; and third, to regenerate the water supply into the Aral Sea. New efficiencies in water mgt, esp irrigation. Karakalpak is a Turkic language similar to Uzbek but quite distinct, linguistically and culturally. The Soviets destroyed the entire ecoregion, a crime against humanity and the planet, in front of the eyes of the entre world, as the five-year plans demanded that the local agriculture be only cotton. Deliberate abuse for the pockets of the Sovietskii bureaucrats. I went to the Farghona* Valley, where long there’s been narcotics smuggling, but that’s now reduced to very little. A rise in food production throughout the country, with a diverse economy, A big O&G producer now. Ninety per cent of the cars on the road are GM vehicles—bldg them in Uzbekistan. The Soviets were monsters. It's incredible what they were doing to their slave states. |
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