Question 1-minute 5:45: Pakistan's Nuclear Ballistic Missile Shaheen III (range 1,700km)
Q2. At minute 5:45: The Reform of Pakistan's Energy Markets/Price Stability
Q3. Minute 10: The Relevancy of Khan's Populist Rhetoric
Q4. Minute 14: Has Iran co-opted Pakistan's Shia population
Q5. Minute 19: Normalize Relations with India to address Pakistan's own insufficient political cultural development.
Q6: Minute 22: Pakistan's Prime Minister's piecemeal legal approach to Civilian Supremacy, how is it sufficient?
Part Two:
Q7: Why did Prime Minister's approach to Civil-Military Reform pursue a positivist, legal approach?
Q8: Historically, the 'Core' of Pakistan's commitment to Islamist proxies through ISI is Army dominance of ethnic Pashtun/Punjabi ethos of militancy. Can this be reconciled with Jinnah's vision of a Republic? Can this ethos of intransigence be reconciled to modernity?
Q9: What can the U.S. do to assist Pakistan's trajectory toward civilian supremacy?