america_first_at_home_and_abroad.pdf |
As the unprecedented effort of the elders of the Democratic Party to use the Justice Department and intelligence services to manipulate and then undo a presidential election collapses, their response is a study in the corruption of unchallenged incumbency. The reason the country is in its present impasse is inadequate post-Reagan presidential leadership.
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In a new Atlantic op-ed, Kori Schake argues that Trump’s hands-off approach to the coronavirus is in keeping with the founders’ original vision of a tightly constrained executive. But the imperial presidency should lose power over time--just not be abandoned abruptly when hundreds of thousands of lives are at risk. Finish here.
Editorial of The New York Sun | April 12, 2020
The best piece we've read during the current crisis is Henry Kissinger's warning that the corona pandemic "will forever alter the world order." Writing in the Wall Street Journal, the Nobel laureate acknowledges that America must protect its citizens from disease. Yet he reckons the time has already begun for "starting the urgent work of planning for a new epoch."
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