“In the summer of 1945, British investigator Francis McKenna and his team began a trek across post-war #Europe to pursue the men who murdered British #POWs in cold blood following the famous #GreatEscape from Stalag Luft III in March #1944. Simon Read details the hunt in a book that is one part detective story and one part morality play, striking themes that will resonate in the present day.
Remarkably, many of the Germans who witnessed or were tangentially involved in the atrocity retained an active sense of guilt and helped the investigators, even when it put them at risk for retribution from both sides. Simon Read has done an impressive job stitching together a highly readable and informative story from various sources, and making it live again.”—Jim DeFelice, bestselling author of Rangers at Dieppe, Omar Bradley: General at War, and American Sniper
“A gut-wrenching account of World War II’s Great Escape and its brutal aftermath. Simon Read’s riveting tale of the #RoyalAirForce’s #RAF manhunt for the #Gestapo perpetrators of the cold-blooded murder of fifty unarmed Allied escapees will touch your soul and increase your admiration for the ‘Greatest Generation.’ Whether justice ultimately triumphed over evil can be found in Read’s engrossing narrative.”—Colonel Cole C. Kingseed, USA (Ret.), New York Times bestselling coauthor of Beyond Band of Brothers.